Hans van den Brande
Hans van den Brande is the founder of SpringFinance and been assisting companies with mergers, acquisitions and financing processes since 1999. Before SpringFinance, he worked at Rabo Securities in the Equity Capital Markets department. Hans studied tax law in Leiden and completed an MBA at the Rotterdam School of Management.
In addition to SpringFinance, Hans is also active for Noordertoren Participaties, an investor in medium-sized companies. Hans van den Brande
Patrick Witte
Patrick Witte has been with SpringFinance since 2001 and has over 20 years of experience in Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity in a variety of transactions. Patrick studied Business Administration at Erasmus University and completed the postgraduate course CFM (IMA) at the VU. Immediately after his studies, he worked for ABN AMRO Bank at Acquisition Finance.
In addition to SpringFinance, Patrick is active for Noordertoren Participaties, an investor in medium-sized companies, where he also acts as interim CFO. Patrick Witte